Data Conversion Companies of Germany

Listing all 6 German data conversion companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the German companies offering data conversion, content conversion, document conversion and file conversion services listed in the directory of data conversion companies of Germany. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering data conversion, content conversion, document conversion and file conversion services

abavo GmbH

Buchloe, Germany

vlow (vormals xhub) ist ein Workflow-System, das sich durchgängig vom Autor/Lektor bis zur automatisierten PRINT, HTML5 und EPUB-Produktion spannt. Ausgangsdaten sind wahlweise XML oder Word. Die Printausgabe erfolgt über InDesign, PrintCSS oder gängige XML-Satzengines. Cloud-basierte Automatisme...

Profile of: abavo GmbH, Buchloe, Germany
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le-tex publishing services GmbH

Leipzig, Germany

le-tex publishing services is a leading German service vendor with a broad customer base in the fields of STEM, textbook, legal, and standards typesetting. Services include production editing, data conversion, content management, and XML consultancy.

Profile of: le-tex publishing services GmbH, Leipzig, Germany
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Jena, Germany

A full-service publishing service provider whose focus is on the modern and customer-oriented production of printed and electronic media.

Profile of: mediaTEXT, Jena, Germany
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infinity-loop GmbH

Munich, Germany

infinity-loop GmbH specializes in document conversion to and from structured markup languages, especially XML.

Profile of: infinity-loop GmbH, Munich, Germany
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pagina GmbHPublikationstechnologien

Tübingen, Germany

We are a high-performance production house for print and electronic media and a strong development, consulting and training team. We train your employees, develop XML workflows, design and install systems.

Profile of: pagina GmbHPublikationstechnologien, Tübingen, Germany
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XSEARCH Linguistik is the complete linguistic software for morpho-syntactic analysis of German and the important building block for a successful search. XSEARCH Linguistics is the basis for the improvement of search applications or knowledge discovery functions such as keyword extraction, clustering

Profile of: XML GmbH, Germany
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