Book Printing Companies of Germany

Listing all 6 German book printing companies

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Frensdorf, Germany

With 13 factories spread out over five countries, CPI is one of the major players in the printing market in Europe. We produce books and printed documents for major publishing houses, large industrial groups and service companies, and administrative bodies.

Profile of: CPI BUCHBÜCHER.DE GMBH, Frensdorf, Germany
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Henrich Druck + Medien GmbH

Frankfurt, Germany

We produce publications that move people. To read and leaf through, to listen and look at, to like, to buy and to pass on. Our passion: print products with a love of haptics, printing and detail; Audiobooks that entertain, e-books and blogs with a statement. We create content for customer loyalty, e

Profile of: Henrich Druck + Medien GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany
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Firmengruppe Appl Holding GmbH & Co. KG

Wemding, Germany

The Appl group is a family-run printing and finishing company headquartered in Wemding. With around 180 million euros in sales and 700 employees, of whom over 60 are trainees, the Appl group of companies is one of the largest printing companies in Germany.

Profile of: Firmengruppe Appl Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Wemding, Germany
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Optimal Media GmbH

Röbel/Müritz, Germany

optimal media bietet als vollstufige Verlagsdruckerei die gesamte Fertigungskette von der Druckvorstufe über den Bogenoffsetdruck und die Buchbinderei bis zum weltweiten Versand. Ein leistungsstarker Maschinenpark und eingespieltes Expertenteam garantieren die Herstellung qualitativ hochwertiger ...

Profile of: Optimal Media GmbH, Röbel/Müritz, Germany
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Mohn Media Mohndruck GmbH

Gütersloh, Germany

Books are our passion. As specialists for the printed book, partners from all over the world put their trust in us and benefit from our many years of experience and the high quality in book printing.

Profile of: Mohn Media Mohndruck GmbH, Gütersloh, Germany
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SDP SachsenDruck GmbH

Plauen, Germany

We are Germany's only manufacturer of cardboard books and experts in children's book production - in every edition, from one copy. We work quickly, fairly, safely and cleanly. For publishers, illustrators, marketing, PR and gastronomy. Made in Saxony, since 1643.

Profile of: SDP SachsenDruck GmbH, Plauen, Germany
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