Book Distribution Companies of France

Listing all 3 French book distribution companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the French companies that provide physical book distribution, fulfilment and delivery services to publishers and production houses listed in the directory of book distribution companies of France. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies that provide physical book distribution, fulfilment and delivery services to publishers and production houses

Side Société Internationale de Diffusion et d'Edition

Sucy-en-Brie, France

Depuis plus de 25 ans, SIDE, spécialiste de l'exportation du livre, regroupe et fournit tous les livres français. For more than 25 years, SIDE, the professional French book exporter, has been consolidating and exporting worldwide.

Profile of: Side Société Internationale de Diffusion et d'Edition, Sucy-en-Brie, France
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Interforum Editis

Ivry sur Seine, France

As the second largest publishing group in France with prominent imprints and leading market proposition, Editis is a ,blue chip cooperation in the publishing world. Its success is due to the combined talent and expertise of its' prestigious publishing firms, some of which are over a century old.

Profile of: Interforum Editis, Ivry sur Seine, France
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Hachette Livre International

Malakoff Cedex, France

Hachette Livre International is the exclusive worldwide distributor of all Hachette books published in France. HLI is also the leading educational publisher for the French-speaking Africa as well as a major player in the Arabic language.

Profile of: Hachette Livre International, Malakoff Cedex, France
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