Literary Rights Agencies of France

Listing all 8 French literary rights agencies

Page 1 of 1 of all the French literary rights agencies that specialise in foreign rights and translation rights listed in the directory of literary rights agencies of France. Remove the country filter to see the list of all literary rights agencies that specialise in foreign rights and translation rights

Leor Literary Agency


Located in Vannes, Western France, Leor literary agency is a foreign and domestic rights agency. We work on a behalf of a broad group of French publishers and promote their catalogues on the international literary scene.

Profile of: Leor Literary Agency, France
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Lora Fountain Literary Agency

Paris, France

We are a translation rights agency selling rights primarily to the French, but also to the Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch markets, and to publishers in Latin America.

Profile of: Lora Fountain Literary Agency, Paris, France
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Syllabes Agency

Lyon, France

Syllabes is a rights agency specialized in selling rights on children's books (picture books, non-fiction, fiction, activity titles). Among the publishers we represent: Belin Jeunesse, Le Pommier, Cépages, HongFei Cultures, Mazurka and more.

Profile of: Syllabes Agency, Lyon, France
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Linwood Messina Literary Agency

Paris, France

Linwood Messina Literary Agency, founded by American Gregory Messina in 2015, is a Paris-based agency that represents translation rights on behalf of French- and English- language publishing companies, as well as international agencies. We also represent French- and English- language authors.

Profile of: Linwood Messina Literary Agency, Paris, France
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Sea of Stories Inc.

Bordeaux, France

Sea of Stories is a foreign rights agency representing 15 editors publishing highly illustrated stationary, adult books, novels, YA & children picture books, on cookery, self help, humour & parenting, in English, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese & French.

Profile of: Sea of Stories Inc., Bordeaux, France
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L'Autre Agence

Paris, France

L'Autre Agence is a literary agency selling translation rights in France and abroad on behalf of French and foreign publishers and agents.

Profile of: L'Autre Agence, Paris, France
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Michelle Lapautre Literary Agency

Paris, France

Represents US, British, and Canadian agents and publishers for the sale of French translation rights.

Profile of: Michelle Lapautre Literary Agency, Paris, France
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Agence Littéraire Lora Fountain & Associates

Paris, France

Subrights agency selling French, Russian, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and German-language translation rights for (primarily) English-Language publishers & agents. Adult fiction, non-fiction & illustrated; children's and young adults fiction.

Profile of: Agence Littéraire Lora Fountain & Associates, Paris, France
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