
Publishing services company profile: ePUBoo, Spain

Service provider for publishers and intermediaries. Run your digital publishing business simply. We are not simple suppliers, we are editorial 'cooperators'. We are used to creating long-term cooperation and mutual trust with our customers.

We are:
- a global company: we work from Europe, Asia and America
- allergic to timetables and accustomed to goals and urgencies, we don’t look at the clock
- poets of code, HTML, Php, XML, .Net, CSS
- fall in love with books, in all their forms
- ebooks fanatics, in all their formats
- nomads, artists, readers, writers and publishers

Thirty different editorial services can be enough? All cheap, fast, multilingual and... of maximum quality. eBook Conversion, PDFs and accessible eBooks, eBooks update, audiobooks creation, cloud file storage and Onix 3.0 generator, typesetting and digital distribution.

The first order is FOR FREE up to a maximum of 100 € or $! Always pay after delivery if you are satisfied. No credit card is ever requested and stored in our systems. Lifetime warranty on delivered files, even after years.

Manage your entire digital publishing business with our Control Panel. Administrate your orders, invoices, ebooks, all your files, the metadata of your paper books in Onix format and much more…

ePUBoo is listed under the following publishing services categories: Book Design, Book Distribution, Data Conversion, Digital Distribution, Ebook Production, Editing, Graphic Design, Self Publishing, Translation, and Typesetting


Corporate: Go to the website
Submissions: For premium subscribers only
Rights: For premium subscribers only
LinkedIn: For premium subscribers only
FaceBook: For premium subscribers only

Contacts [PubMails]:

Feature available to premium subscribers only.
PubMail gets delivered to the on-line mailbox of the profile.

Corporate: For premium subscribers only
Editorial: For premium subscribers only
Submissions: For premium subscribers only
Rights: For premium subscribers only
Permissions: For premium subscribers only
Sales: For premium subscribers only

Mailing address

Camì Mistera 2
Diseminado P 31, 92

Phone number(s):
+ 34 +34664147948

ePUBoo is listed in the directory of publishing services suppliers of Spain. You can find similar suppliers in Spain here: List of Book Designers in Spain, List of Book Distribution Companies in Spain, List of Data Conversion Companies in Spain, List of Digital Content Distribution Companies in Spain, and List of Ebook Production Companies in Spain

Some of the other prominent cities in Spain for which we have publishing services companies in our database include: Barcelona, Madrid, A Coruña, Valladolid, and Santiago de Compostela... See the list of all cities in Spain for which we have publishing companies in our database here.

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