Literary Rights Agencies of Serbia

Listing all 2 Serbian literary rights agencies

Page 1 of 1 of all the Serbian literary rights agencies that specialise in foreign rights and translation rights listed in the directory of literary rights agencies of Serbia. Remove the country filter to see the list of all literary rights agencies that specialise in foreign rights and translation rights

Prava I prevodi

Belgrade, Serbia

Founded in 1990, Prava i prevodi is the largest and most diversified literary agency in Eastern Europe. The Agency represents clients from all segments of the publishing industry: leading publishers, literary agencies and literary estates.

Profile of: Prava I prevodi , Belgrade, Serbia
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Zebra Publishing


Publishing house that creates beautiful books for children.We also organize Printing, co-productions, and act as an agent for foreign publishers on Serbian and Balkan markets.

Profile of: Zebra Publishing, Serbia
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