Publishing Companies of Luxembourg

Listing all 4 Luxembourg Publishing Houses

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Luxembourg Publishers Directory


Bertrange, Luxembourg

Legitech is the publisher of reference for Luxembourg law and taxation. It also offers services in legal document processing and legal document publishing software called Progilex.

Publisher profile: Legitech

Editions Paul Bauler

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Maison fondée en 1996. Dés sa création, celle-ci se montre et s'affirme majoritairement axée sur le domaine juridique en général. Meme si le droit reste la priorité, l'intérèt est, à partir de 2003, dirigé vers d'autres horizons tout aussi variés tels que la littérature et la linguistique.

Publisher profile: Editions Paul Bauler

Editions Promoculture S.a.r.L.

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Since 1972 publisher of Law-Books (Luxemburgish- and European Law), since 1988 publisher of the Newsletter "JURISNEWS". Internet site sells all publications concerning Luxemburg (banking law, tax law, labour laws, etc..)

Publisher profile: Editions Promoculture S.a.r.L.

Editions Saint-Paul S.A.

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Kunstbücher, Sachbücher, Nachschlagewerke, Bildbände, Luxemburgensia, Kinder-und Jugendbücher, Geschichte.

Publisher profile: Editions Saint-Paul S.A.

4 publishing companies in the directory of Luxembourg publishers

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