Russian Language Publishers

Listing 101 to 110 of 112 Russian langauge publishing companies

Page 11 of 12 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of russian publishers. To view a list of russian langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including Russian books, Russian e-books, Russian magazines, Russian newspapers...


"AzBooks" one of the fastest growing publishers of innovative and interactive children's book in the world. We create speaking book, music books, activity books, game books, encyclopedias to children (from new born till 8+). Our books are ideally suited for translation into a range of different l...

Publisher profile: AzBooks

Bibel für Alle

St Petersburg, Russia

Christliche Literatur in russischer Sprache.

Publisher profile: Bibel für Alle
List of other Russian language publishers in Russia


Moscow, Russia

Tourist, road, geographic maps and atlases in traditional and digital form.

Publisher profile: Cartgeocentre
List of other Russian language publishers in Russia


Moscow, Russia

Ficton and applied literature. Books on psychology, astrology, esoterics, theatre, cinema, variety art. Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, memoirs. Bestseller authors: L. Mlechin, T. Ogorodnikova, Pohlebkin, V. Sinelnikov.

Publisher profile: Centrepolygraph
List of other Russian language publishers in Russia

Granitsa Book-Journal Publishers

Moscow, Russia

Fiction: military-historical, adventures, memoir and military servcie literature. Journals:,, A Frontier Guard", ,,A Falcon 1", ,,The Bulletin of the Russian Boundary", ,,A Frontier Guard of the Commonwealth", a weekly newspaper,, The Russian Boundary."

Publisher profile: Granitsa Book-Journal Publishers
List of other Russian language publishers in Russia


Moscow, Russia

An uncommon glance at different parts of the world. Mosiac life of India, China, Russia and other cultures captured by independent photographers.

Publisher profile: AMEXI
List of other Russian language publishers in Russia

Moscow University Press

Moscow, Russia

The oldest university press in Russia (founded 1756). Educational, scientific, reference books in all disciplines (humanities, social sciences, mathematics, nature sciences, and medicine). 21 scientific journals.

Publisher profile: Moscow University Press
List of other Russian language publishers in Russia

Philological Faculty of Moscow State Lomonosov University

Moscow, Russia

Manuals, reference-books, dictionaries, and scientific research publications in philology for educators, graduate and post-graduate students. Manuals on the Russian language for foreigners.

Publisher profile: Philological Faculty of Moscow State Lomonosov University
List of other Russian language publishers in Russia

Russian Chess House

Moscow, Russia

Russian Chess House is the biggest publisher in Russia, specialized on publishing class literature in Russian and English language. The publishing house offers sale of copyrights for the publication of some books and the price-list of the products.

Publisher profile: Russian Chess House
List of other Russian language publishers in Russia

Moscow Government Publishing Programs Moscow Texbooks and Cartolithography

Moscow, Russia

The committee coordinates the elaboration of publishing programs, which are aimed on producing new works about Moscow. They are fulfilled with the support of the city budget. MT&C is the leader in the field of modern polygraphy technologies.

Publisher profile: Moscow Government Publishing Programs Moscow Texbooks and Cartolithography
List of other Russian language publishers in Russia

112 publishers in the the directory of russian langauge publishing companies

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