German Language Publishers

Listing 11 to 20 of 970 German langauge publishing companies

Page 2 of 97 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of german publishers. To view a list of german langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including German books, German e-books, German magazines, German newspapers...

Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

Ismaning, Germany

Unterrichtsmaterialien für den Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Erwachsenen-und Weiterbildung, in Schule, Hochschule und im Beruf. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Wörterbücher, Selbstlernmaterial, CBT-und WBT-Kurse.

Publisher profile: Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
List of other German language publishers in Germany

ADAC Verlag GmbH

Munich, Germany

Reiseführer, Länderführer, Naturführer, Städteführer, Campingführer, Ski-Guide, PistenAtlas, Ratgeber, DAR-Zeitschrift, ADAC-Motorwelt, Buß-geldkatalog, Bordbuch.

Publisher profile: ADAC Verlag GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany

ADAC reisemagazin Kooperation

Munich, Germany

ADAC Reisemagazine gibt es für Städte, Länder und Regionen. Alle zwei Monate neu.

Publisher profile: ADAC reisemagazin Kooperation
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Project Gutenberg

Salt Lake City, United States

Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.We carry high quality ebooks: All our ebooks were previously publis

Publisher profile: Project Gutenberg
List of other German language publishers in United States

Rowohlt Verlage/Kindler Verlag

Reinbek bei Hamburg, Germany

Anspruchsvolle Unterhaltung: .... Gegenwartsliteratur, historische Romane, Kriminalromane.

Publisher profile: Rowohlt Verlage/Kindler Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Die Zeit

Hamburg, Germany

The TIME Publishing Group publishes the renowned weekly newspaper Die Zeit; Moreover, the media company offers a wide range of publishing products, events and other offers.

Publisher profile: Die Zeit
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

Frankfurt, Germany

The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library) with its locations in Leipzig, Frankfurt am Main and Berlin is the central archival library and national bibliographic centre for the Federal Republic of Germany. Its task, unique in Germany, is to collect, permanently archive, comprehensi...

Publisher profile: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Tokyopop GmbH

Hamburg, Germany

TOKYOPOP Inc. gehört zu den Top-Marken der Jugendunterhaltung, unter anderem durch Eigenproduktionen wie Warcraft und Princess Ai. TOKYOPOP GmbH (gegründet 2004) ist der deutsche Mangaverlag mit derzeit größtem Wachstum. Im Programm: japanische und koreanische Lizenzen (z.B. Bleach, Death Note) s...

Publisher profile: Tokyopop GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Palace Editions The State Russian Museum St. Petersburg, Russia

Bad Breisig, Germany

Künstbücher aus der Sammlung des Russischen Museums und zu Themenausstellungen; Kataloge nationaler und internationaler Künstler.

Publisher profile: Palace Editions The State Russian Museum St. Petersburg, Russia
List of other German language publishers in Germany

DEA Mediagroup Spa

Roma, Italy the big online bookshop. 14 millions books in English, Italian, French, Spanish and German; 70 millions of used books; E-Books from all over the world; 500.000 music CDs; 100.000 DVDs Film and 15.000 videogames, special offers.

Publisher profile: DEA Mediagroup Spa
List of other German language publishers in Italy

970 publishers in the the directory of german langauge publishing companies

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