German Language Publishers

Listing 961 to 970 of 970 German langauge publishing companies

Page 97 of 97 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of german publishers. To view a list of german langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including German books, German e-books, German magazines, German newspapers...

Verlag Josef Knecht in Verlag Karl Alber GmbH

Freiburg, Germany

Sachbücher zu Religion und Theologie, Gesellschaft, Politik, Ethik, Kultur, Zeitgeschichte und Zeitgeschehen; Belletristik: theologische Krimis, historische Romane.

Publisher profile: Verlag Josef Knecht in Verlag Karl Alber GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Verlag Karl Jochen Gruch

Titz-Rödingen, Germany

Fachliteratur zur mitteleuropäischen Geschichte, insbesondere der evangelischen Kirchengeschichte.

Publisher profile: Verlag Karl Jochen Gruch
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Verlag Neue Stadt

Munich, Germany

Religion, christliches Leben, Theologie, Biographien, Bildband, Geschenkbücher, Kinderbücher, Monatsmagazin Neue Stadt, CD/MC, Fotokarten, Kalender, Spiritualität, Anthologien.

Publisher profile: Verlag Neue Stadt
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Verlag Willmuth Arenhövel

Berlin, Germany

Verlag für Kunst-und Kulturgeschichte. Bücher zur Architektur, Malerei, Skulptur, zum Kunstgewerbe und zur Zeit-und Kulturgeschichte. Zeitschrift: Brandenburgische Denkmalpflege.

Publisher profile: Verlag Willmuth Arenhövel
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Verlagsvertretung Sven Gembrys

Hamburg, Germany

Postkarten, Grußkarten, GEO-Postkarten, Papeterie, Rollenpapiere, Geschenkpapier.

Publisher profile: Verlagsvertretung Sven Gembrys
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Wenz Verlag

Dreieich, Germany

Belletristik, Memoiren/Briefe, Historischer Roman, ausländische Literatur, Kinder-und Jugendbuch; Sachbuch, Ratgeber, Humor.

Publisher profile: Wenz Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany

widukind-presse Dresden

Dresden, Germany

Bücher im Handsatz und mit künstlerischer Druckgrafik zu zeitgenössischer und klassischer Dichtung. Mappenwerke, figürliche Druckgrafik.

Publisher profile: widukind-presse Dresden
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Thieme Publishing

Stuttgart, Germany

Thieme Publishers, Stuttgart & New York is an international scientific and medical publisher producing high-quality products for physicians, scientists, technologists, students and residents. Major specialty areas include neurosurgery, radiology, otolaryngology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, comple...

Publisher profile: Thieme Publishing
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Fraunhofer IRB Verlag

Stuttgart, Germany

With numerous publications in the fields of construction technology, redevelopment, refurbishment, building physics, building research as well as on topics such as urban and regional planning, the Fraunhofer IRB Verlag is one of the most respected publishers in the field of building construction ...

Publisher profile: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Nour Bag Printing

Cairo, Egypt

Established Printer/Publisher Since over 10 years we offer to publish and print for the best price in cairo. A proove of our quality is that we also print school books ordered by the government.

Publisher profile: Nour Bag Printing
List of other German language publishers in Egypt

970 publishers in the the directory of german langauge publishing companies

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