Fiction Publishers' Directory of France

Listing 31 to 37 of 37 Fiction publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 4 of 4 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'Fiction Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all fiction publishers' directory. Remove 'Fiction' filter to see the list of all French publishers

Editions Florent Massot

Paris, France

Florent Massot will publish five to seven titles a year, fiction as well as non-fiction, documents and biographies, all the while favouring unconventional writing.

Publisher profile: Editions Florent Massot


Paris, France

The European Libella publishing group is the independent owner of 7 imprints. We publish high quality trade books across the fields of world fiction and non-fiction, creative arts, religious and illustrated art books.

Publisher profile: Libella

Editions Mango

Paris, France

Mango is a renowned Children's book publisher, combining albums, fiction, illustrated reference and art with Dada.

Publisher profile: Editions Mango

Groupe Fleurus

Paris, France

Leader in activity books for children, Fleurus also publishes non-fiction and fiction series for children and teenagers from 1 to 15, as well as religious books. For adults, Fleurus publishes on art, crafts & creatives pastimes, how-to, gastronomy…

Publisher profile: Groupe Fleurus

Jean Marie Desbois éditeur

Saint-Martin-de-Crau, France

Publishers of endogenous literature, such as French and European fictions.

Publisher profile: Jean Marie Desbois éditeur

Editions Beaumont

Paris, France

The Editions Beaumont publishing company offers a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books for children aged from 1 to 10.

Publisher profile: Editions Beaumont

Editions J'ai lu Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group

Paris, France

Editeur au format poche, J'ai lu publie 500 nouveautés par an en littérature générale, science fiction, policier, Pratique, sentimental, mangas. J'ai lu est également l'éditeur de la collection Librio.

Publisher profile: Editions J'ai lu Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group

37 publishers in the the directory of fiction publishing companies of France
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