Photography Publishers' Directory of France

Listing all 6 Photography publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'Photography Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all photography publishers' directory. Remove 'Photography' filter to see the list of all French publishers

Editions Parenthèses

Marseille, France

Spécialités: arts, architecture, urbanisme, photograpie, musiques, sciences humaines. Collections: 'Eupalinos' 'Diasporales' 'Parcours Méditeranéens'

Publisher profile: Editions Parenthèses

Lieux Dits

Lyon, France

Edition Lieux Dits is specialized in art, photography and architecture.

Publisher profile: Lieux Dits

Editions Xavier Barral

Paris, France

Publisher of high quality illustrated books on photography and art, artists books, art and science books, photo journalism.

Publisher profile: Editions Xavier Barral

Le Bec en l'Air Editions

Manosque, France

Our illustrated books explore the links between picture and words in a constant concern for quality, through a carefull page make-up. As, for us, photography can get on with all the genres: social sciences, art history, architecture or literature.

Publisher profile: Le Bec en l'Air Editions

Editions Arthaud Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group

Paris, France

Leading publisher of travel, adventure,tourism, mountaineering, diving, trekking, sailing and photography books.

Publisher profile: Editions Arthaud Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group

6 publishers in the the directory of photography publishing companies of France
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