Founded in 1948, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR membership organization devoted to human resource management.
Publisher profile: Society for Human Resource Management
American Society for Training & Development is the world's largest association dedicated to workplace learning. ASTD Press publishers hundreds of titles that support the profession of training and development.
Publisher profile: ASTD Press
Aberdeen Bay is a traditional, mainstream, and independent publisher that strives to publish the best books. Quality is our top concern. If your manuscript is truly outstanding, then we will publish your work regardless if you are a published author or not.
Publisher profile: Aberdeen Bay
Better Karma Publishing is an independent publishing house. We are looking for talented writers who do not necessarily fit one genre, and whose creativity transcends limits imposed by the big publishi
Publisher profile: Better Karma Publishing
Champion Writers is dedicated to improve people’s lives through knowledge. We help people to learn technologies and skills so they can advance their careers. We publish books for the world-wide audience to share our passion and understanding.
Publisher profile: Champion Writers
We are closer to the science of diabetes than any other publisher. As the leader in diabetes treatment and education, we set the standards for the latest in diabetes treatment protocols that are the focus of our consumer and technical titles -- to help healthcare providers achieve the best in dia...
Publisher profile: American Diabetes Association