Reider Books

Publishing services company profile: Reider Books, West Hollywood, California, United States

Reider Books has over thirty years experience working with publishers and self-publishing authors to design and produce books to the highest standards. We've learned the best practices from decades of working with a wide range of publishers and authors. We specialize in book interior design and layout but also work on book covers.

We work hard to create designs that promote readability and sales for each book, taking pride in applying all that we know about book design and layout to each project.

At Reider Books, we think of book design as an art and a science, a combination of good taste and creativity with the many details that go into proper book typesetting and layout.

In addition to producing books for print, Reider Books also produces EPUB e-books for most of the books we work on.

We work regularly with Amazon/KDP, IngramSpark, and all of the major print-on-demand sites, as well as traditional book printers.

Reider Books is listed under the following publishing services categories: Book Design, Ebook Production, Graphic Design, Print Production, Self Publishing, and Typesetting


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Permissions: For premium subscribers only
Sales: For premium subscribers only

Mailing address

1025 N. Kings Road, #213
No. 213
West Hollywood
United States

Phone number(s):
+ 1 323-822-5070

Reider Books is listed in the directory of publishing services suppliers of United States. You can find similar suppliers in United States here: List of Book Designers in United States, List of Ebook Production Companies in United States, List of Graphic Design Companies in United States, List of Print Production Companies in United States, and List of Self-Publishing Companies in United States

You can explore similar publishing service companies in West Hollywood, California here. Some of the other prominent cities in United States for which we have publishing services companies in our database include: New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Beaverton, and San Francisco... See the list of all cities in United States for which we have publishing companies in our database here.

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