Copywrite GmbH & Co. KG

Publishing services company profile: Copywrite GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt, Germany

The agency, founded on July 1, 1999, represents around 60 German-speaking authors. Since its existence, around 650 manuscripts have been distributed to major German publishers, many works have entered the charts and / or have received literary awards. Jan Costin Wagner , whose novels translated into more than 20 languages ​​(published by Eichborn and Galiani ) around his Finnish commissioner Kimmo Joentaa Critics - number 1 on the list of crime novels - are among the most important artists conveyed by copywrite, and delight audiences equally. Alina Bronsky's novels were celebrated in the feature pages - her last two novels, Baba Dunja's Last Love and My Grandmother's Braid (both from Kiepenheuer & Witsch ) were on Spiegel's bestseller list for many months. Stephan Thome's debut "Grenzgang" made it, as did his follow-up works "Centrifugal Force" and "God of the Barbarians" (all at Suhrkamp ) except for the shortlist of the German Book Prize.

Bestseller guarantees are the books by Rita Falk . Their novels, published by dtv , became mega sellers with over 7 million copies sold (as of November 2019). The five thrillers by Bernhard Aichner published by btb climbed to number 1 on the Austrian bestseller list. With Melanie Raabe "Germany has a new international shooting star" (book market). Raabe's books, published by btb, have been or are translated into 21 languages, her debut "The Trap" as well as the subsequent novels "The Truth" and "The Shadow" have been on the top of the Spiegel bestseller list for months. And Romy Hausmann? She already had a sensational success with her thriller debut "Liebes Kind", published at dtv: 1st place on the Spiegel Paperback bestseller list and 16 foreign licenses.

Copywrite GmbH & Co. KG is listed under the following publishing services categories: Literary Agencies


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Mailing address

Woogstr. 43

Phone number(s):
+ 49 69 83048593

Copywrite GmbH & Co. KG is listed in the directory of publishing services suppliers of Germany. You can find similar suppliers in Germany here: List of Literary Agencies in Germany

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