Psychology Publishers' Directory of Slovenia

Listing all 2 Psychology publishers listed in the Slovene publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Slovenia that are listed under 'Psychology Publishers. Remove 'Slovenia' filter to see all psychology publishers' directory. Remove 'Psychology' filter to see the list of all Slovene publishers

Cangura zalozba in knjigarna

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cangura publishes books for better living that are sold in own bookstore or webshop. We also have a publishing school for authors and own printing house. If you need a reliable publisher in Slovenia, look no further.

Publisher profile: Cangura zalozba in knjigarna

Zalozna Eno

Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Publisher profile: Zalozna Eno

2 publishers in the the directory of psychology publishing companies of Slovenia
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