Publishing Companies of Mexico

Listing 1 to 10 of 28 Mexican Publishing Houses

Page 1 of 3 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Mexican Publishers Directory

Fondo de Cultura Económica

México City, Mexico

México's cultural institution whose activities are aimed the promotion of Latin American literary heritage. Publisher of Latin America's main authors and Nobel Prices, it excels in children's literature.

Publisher profile: Fondo de Cultura Económica

El Colegio de México, A.C.

México City, Mexico

Publication of textbooks, university level.

Publisher profile: El Colegio de México, A.C.

Artes de México y del Mundo, S.A. de C.V.

México, Mexico

En septiembre de 1988 salió a la venta el primer número de la nueva época de Artes de México. En aquella edición confluían nueve plumas que abordaban al Centro Histórico de la ciudad de México, con esa curiosidad respetuosa y esa gran pasión que han distinguido a nuestros autores. Sus páginas era...

Publisher profile: Artes de México y del Mundo, S.A. de C.V.

Nostra Ediciones S.A. de C.V.

México, Mexico

Nostra Ediciones is a Mexican publisher founded by Mauricio Volpi. Our editorial policy is aimed at children and young readers, and includes various narrative genres, art books, culture and science. We also have a large collection of essay on topical debates, politics, economics, health, i...

Publisher profile: Nostra Ediciones S.A. de C.V.

Editorial Sexto Piso

México City, Mexico

Editorial Sexto Piso is a Mexican and Spanish publishing house specialized in publishing translations of international authors like Calasso, Orwell, Maugham, Pavic and many more.

Publisher profile: Editorial Sexto Piso

Larousse Ediciones

México City, Mexico

Spanish bilingual dictionaries, general encyclopaedia, specialized dictionaries and children's books.

Publisher profile: Larousse Ediciones

AM Editores S.A de C.V.

México City, Mexico

Graphic testimony of the creative talent of new and established architects besides approach popular themes that because of their content diserve to be captured in an art book developing a great and unique editorial work full of quality.

Publisher profile: AM Editores S.A de C.V.

Ríos de Tinta CEM, S.A. de C.V.

México D.F., Mexico

Publisher profile: Ríos de Tinta CEM, S.A. de C.V.

28 publishing companies in the directory of Mexican publishers

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