Publishers in Padova, Italy

Listing all 2 Italian publishing companies in the city of Padova, Italies

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of Italian Publishers with office in the city of Padova. Remove 'Padova' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

Piccin Nuova Libraria s.p.a.

Padova, Italy

Medical and scientific professional and university texts in Italian, English and French. Literary university texts in Italian.

Publisher profile: Piccin Nuova Libraria s.p.a.


Padova, Italy

Religious electronic books and reference titles: CD-ROM and Computer Bibles. Official documents of the Holy See, Patriotic commentary of the Bible, multimedia production.

Publisher profile: Unitelm

2 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Padova, Italy
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