Publishing Services Companies in Bogotá, Colombia

Listing all 4 Colombian companies providing publishing services in Bogotá, Colombia

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Colombia Kolumbien

Bogotá, Colombia

The March 8, 1951, the Colombian State, through the Ministry of Justice, recognizes the legal status of the Colombian Chamber of Books by Resolution 6, 1951. This institution comes from the hand of Jorge Guerrero (Editorial and Bookstore Themis), Jorge Mora (Editorial and Bookstore Gran Colombia)...

Profile of: Colombia Kolumbien, Bogotá, Colombia
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Villegas Editors Ltda.

Bogotá, Colombia

Profile of: Villegas Editors Ltda., Bogotá, Colombia
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ADS Groups SAS

Bogotá, Colombia

Somos la agencia de impresos y publicidad líder en Colombia, nuestros servicios de impresión se caracterizan por brindar el mejor servicio acompañado los mejores materiales, somos especialistas en la producción en grandes cantidades de litografía a nivel nacional e internacional. Tel +57 316 8703141

Profile of: ADS Groups SAS , Bogotá, Colombia
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Taller Bosque Primario

Bogotá, Colombia

It is an art shop in which we create handmade art works, using traditional manual printing techniques. The book One" hundred Years of Solitude in Etching from the artist Pedro Villalba Ospina is an example of the creative" possibilities of the shop.

Profile of: Taller Bosque Primario, Bogotá, Colombia
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4 publishing companies in the directory of publishing services suppliers in Bogotá, Colombia
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