Juvenile Publishers' Directory of Canada

Listing 1 to 10 of 11 Juvenile publishers listed in the Canadian publishers directories

Page 1 of 2 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Canada that are listed under 'Juvenile Publishers. Remove 'Canada' filter to see all juvenile publishers' directory. Remove 'Juvenile' filter to see the list of all Canadian publishers

Annick Press Ltd

Toronto, Canada

Annick Press has a reputation for producing high quality books for ages 0-16 that crackle with originality and become a passageway to new ideas. Picture books, juvenile and young adult fiction and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: Annick Press Ltd

Scholastic Canada Ltd.

Markham, Canada

Canada's largest publisher and distributor of children's books. High quality picture books, juvenile and young adult novels, and non-fiction. Books children love to read, in English and in French. Educational books.

Publisher profile: Scholastic Canada Ltd.

Brain Lag

Milton, Canada

Canadian publisher of science fiction and fantasy novels and short story collections. Action, drama, epic, political, humorous, horror, literary, LGBTQ+, and a whole lot more.

Publisher profile: Brain Lag

Crabtree Books

St. Catharines, Canada

Crabtree Publishing Company is dedicated to producing high-quality books and educational products for K-9+. Each resource blends accuracy, immediacy, and eye-catching illustration with the goal of inspiring nothing less than a life-long interest in reading and learning in children.

Publisher profile: Crabtree Books

Central Avenue Publishing


Central Avenue is a press featuring writers of original fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction. We look for talented, driven and committed writers. Some of our books are published under the ireadiwrite Publishing imprint. Romance titles are published under Everheart Books.

Publisher profile: Central Avenue Publishing

Éditions Hurtubise

Montréal, Canada

Philosophie, psychologie, sociologie, sciences politiques, arts et sciences, enseignement, éducation, beaux-arts, littérature, livres pour la jeunesse.

Publisher profile: Éditions Hurtubise


Waterford, Canada

Canadian publisher and book binder accepting un-agented manuscripts by email. POD, conventional publishing or Associate Publisher Program for Individuals or group projects. A family run business helping your dreams come true in an affordable way.

Publisher profile: Wingrove-Press

Bryler Publications

Cowansville, Canada

Bryler Publications Inc. is a traditional book publisher that focuses on new authors. We also offer a self-publishing option.

Publisher profile: Bryler Publications

Les Presses de Nouvelle-France

Sainte-Brigitte de Laval, Canada

favoriser l’édition d’un maximum d’œuvres de qualité, mettre toutes ses compétences et autres ressources disponibles au service de l’auteur pour conclure une entente visant une publication à responsabilité partagée.

Publisher profile: Les Presses de Nouvelle-France

Les éditions XYZ

Montréal, Canada

Founded in 1985 les éditions XYZ is awel known publishing company in litterature. It publish 25 new titles a year

Publisher profile: Les éditions XYZ

11 publishers in the the directory of juvenile publishing companies of Canada
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