Publishers in Genova, Italy

Listing all 2 Italian publishing companies in the city of Genova, Italies

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of Italian Publishers with office in the city of Genova. Remove 'Genova' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

Andersen/Feguagiskia' Studios

Genova, Italy

Andersen is the Italian monthly news magazine about children's books, literature, publishing, reading promotion and cultural events. The magazine offers reviews, articles, columns on children's books.

Publisher profile: Andersen/Feguagiskia' Studios

Erga Edizioni Dal 1964

Genova, Italy

The Publishing house Erga Edizioni was founded in 1964 and it has already published about 1350 titles. It publishes the international magazine "LG argomenti" of literature for young people. We are specialized on the following subjects for young people and teachers: theater at school, opera for ch...

Publisher profile: Erga Edizioni Dal 1964

2 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Genova, Italy
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