Technology Publishers' Directory of Romania

Listing all 2 Technology publishers listed in the Romanian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Romania that are listed under 'Technology Publishers. Remove 'Romania' filter to see all technology publishers' directory. Remove 'Technology' filter to see the list of all Romanian publishers SRL

Bucharest, Romania SRL manages three publishing houses: ePublishers, eLiteratura, and eDidactica. <br />All publications are in electronic format.

Publisher profile: SRL

Sigma Publishing House

Bucharest, Romania

Established in 1991, Sigma Publishing House is active on the education book market and offers textbooks and auxiliary materials necessary to the educational process for various fields: mathematics, IT, Romanian language and literature, foreign languages, social sciences, economy, physics, chemist...

Publisher profile: Sigma Publishing House

2 publishers in the the directory of technology publishing companies of Romania
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