Printing Services Companies of Poland

Listing 1 to 10 of 13 Polish printing services companies

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Drukarnia POZKAL Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.

Inowroclaw, Poland

Pozkal is considered as a full service commercial high quality web-offset and sheet-fed Printing and binder providing conventional and UV inks and all types of binding. The range of our services includes the digital print (PoD) and packaging

Profile of: Drukarnia POZKAL Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., Inowroclaw, Poland
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READ ME Printing house

Lodz, Poland

Wide range of offset printing & binding solutions. 20+ years in business, serving customers from Lithuania, Germany, Holland. Portfolio includes soft & hard cover books, full-color art books, periodicals. Superior quality, competitive prices.

Profile of: READ ME Printing house, Lodz, Poland
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Ozgraf-Olsztynskie Zaklady Graficzne Spolka Akcyjna

Olsztyn, Poland

Ozgraf is one of the biggest printing houses in Poland. It offers all kinds of printing and binding services of a very high quality. We specialize in hardcover book binding. Each year we produce 10 million books exporting approx. 30% to USA, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Netherlands etc.

Profile of: Ozgraf-Olsztynskie Zaklady Graficzne Spolka Akcyjna, Olsztyn, Poland
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Publishing House Bernardinum Ltd.

Pelplin, Poland

Printing and publishing house ranging from religion to science, art, travel, poetry, and children’s books. Specialized in facsimile editions like Gutenberg Bible and Copernicus De revolutionibus orbium coelestium or Chopin’s f-moll concert.

Profile of: Publishing House Bernardinum Ltd., Pelplin, Poland
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Bialostockie Zaklady Graficzne S.A.

Bialystok, Poland

Bialostockie Zaklady Graficzne S.A. is a printing House with 75 years of tradition. Thanks to new investments BZGraf is successively maximizing manufacturing capabilities. We offer to our Clients lucrative conditions of cooperation.

Profile of: Bialostockie Zaklady Graficzne S.A., Bialystok, Poland
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Drukarnia Dimograf Sp. z o.o.

Bielsko-Biala, Poland

Dimograf now has about 250 employees who work in premises with an area of more than 11 000 m2. It is one of the largest printing houses in the region, specializing in the production of books, calendars and advertising publications. We currently produce about 19 000 000 books per year.

Profile of: Drukarnia Dimograf Sp. z o.o., Bielsko-Biala, Poland
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Dial Poland PP Sp. z o.o.

Bielsko-Biala, Poland

Dial Poland is Offset and Digital Printing Company. Our working capabilities make us able to print different materials from visit cards, posters B1, all kinds of leaflets, across magazines and books with the best quality. Dial Poland is certificated by ISO:9001.

Profile of: Dial Poland PP Sp. z o.o., Bielsko-Biala, Poland
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Opolgraf SA

Opole, Poland

Opolgraf SA-press printing company. It offers a perfect blend of traditional interwined with modern management and professional approach. We provide a CTP capability: full colour book printing, periodical commercial brochures, fine cover finishing.

Profile of: Opolgraf SA, Opole, Poland
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne i Drukarnia w Sandomierzu

Sandomierz, Poland

Publishing and printing house specialize in children's books and games.

Profile of: Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne i Drukarnia w Sandomierzu, Sandomierz, Poland
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TOLEK Printing House

Mikolow, Poland

TOLEK is a place where tradition meets the newest technology. Founded in 1845, continuing the tradition of best quality prints (CtP, Heidelberg XL 105 machines with image control system) for lowest prices. We print, fold, cut, bind, pack and ship.

Profile of: TOLEK Printing House, Mikolow, Poland
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