Graphic Design Companies of Italy

Listing all 2 Italian graphic design companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the Italian companies offering graphic design services to publishers listed in the directory of graphic design companies of Italy. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering graphic design services to publishers

Grafiche AZ S.r.l.

S. Martino B.a. (vr), Italy

For almost 50 years we have been dealing with creating unique editorial projects , which best interpret the needs of publishers and illustrators. Our specialization? The illustrated books for children , a field in which we have operated since the birth of our company.

Profile of: Grafiche AZ S.r.l., S. Martino B.a. (vr), Italy
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Roma, Italy

Author representation, editorial and assessment service to writers and publishers, literary scoutingTranslations from/to any language Graphic servicesDigital book design and manufacturing Press office and event planningAudio and video transcription services Web marketing-social media marketing

Profile of: graphicart-agsolutions, Roma, Italy
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2 suppliers listed under 'Graphic design companies of Italy'
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