Juvenile Publishers' Directory of France

Listing all 5 Juvenile publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'Juvenile Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all juvenile publishers' directory. Remove 'Juvenile' filter to see the list of all French publishers

Plon Jeunesse

Paris, France

Juvenile fiction tailor-made for adolescents with books that speak their language. For age 11 to young adulthood, Plon Jeunesse publishes novels that mirror teenage interests, with heroes they can identify with, as well as non-fiction titles that deal frankly with their questions - serious and fu...

Publisher profile: Plon Jeunesse


Paris, France

Fiction for children and young adults (ages 5-18): novels, detective stories, short stories, humorous series, fairy tales, fantasy.

Publisher profile: Rageot


Paris, France

Juvenile fiction, juvenile non-fiction. Young adult, teenager fiction. Young adult, teenager non-fiction.

Publisher profile: Syros

Rageot Editeur

Paris, France

Rageot Editeur publishes fiction written mostly by contemporary French authors for children and young adults. Our ambition is to accompany young readers over time and offer them texts that develop their personality, tastes in literature and understanding of the world.

Publisher profile: Rageot Editeur

5 publishers in the the directory of juvenile publishing companies of France
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