Publishers in Studio City, United States

Listing all 2 American publishing companies in the city of Studio City, United States

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of American Publishers with office in the city of Studio City. Remove 'Studio City' filter to see the list of all American publishers

Players Press Inc.

Studio City, United States

Publishes and distributes performing arts books. Plays, musicals, theatre, cinema, clowning, costumes, puppets, masks, dance, etc. Represents publishers for distribution and/or foreign language rights. Develops, buys, and/or sells co-editions.

Publisher profile: Players Press Inc.

Empire Publishing Service

Studio City, United States

Distributes worldwide-entertainment books: performing arts, plays, musicals, music, theatre, cinema, TV. General books and Sherlock Holmes, health and well-being. Represents US and Non-US for USA and/or English Develops co-editions.

Publisher profile: Empire Publishing Service

2 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Studio City, United States
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