Publishers in Gdansk, Poland

Listing all 3 Polish publishing companies in the city of Gdansk, Polands

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of Polish Publishers with office in the city of Gdansk. Remove 'Gdansk' filter to see the list of all Polish publishers

Wydawnictwo Slowo/Obraz Terytoria

Gdansk, Poland

Literary and philosophical essays, history, belles-lettres, fiction in series. Territorials of Scandinavia" and" passages of other series: Library of Philosophy and History of Philosophy" "Adventures of the Body" "Artists" Dramas to Road"."

Publisher profile: Wydawnictwo Slowo/Obraz Terytoria

Grupa Smacznego S.C. (GS Animation) R. Jaszczurowski, L. Kacprowicz, M. Wasilewski

Gdansk, Poland

We are a group of friends who brought our passion for creating animations and illustrations to a professional level. Within the last couple of years we have done a great number of projects for Internet and TV use. We have also worked with major educational publishers creating programs for childre...

Publisher profile: Grupa Smacznego S.C. (GS Animation) R. Jaszczurowski, L. Kacprowicz, M. Wasilewski

Young Digital Planet SA

Gdansk, Poland

YDP is a provider and publisher of interactive educational software packages, language learning software packages and eLearning technologies. YDP is a world leader in creating e-educational products for individual, educational and corporate clients.

Publisher profile: Young Digital Planet SA

3 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Gdansk, Poland
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