Digital Content Publishers of France

Listing all 7 Digital Content publishers listed in the French publishers directories

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Editions du Musée Rodin

Paris, France

The editions of the Rodin Museum publish up-to-date works on the sculptures and work of Rodin. Aside from the catalogues and scientific works that make up the backlist, the editions of the Rodin Museum have been publishing and promoting an art book series known as ,Tout l'oeuvre" since 2001.

Publisher profile: Editions du Musée Rodin

AFNOR Éditions

La Plaine Saint-Denis, France

AFNOR Éditions publishes business books in various fields (management, strategy, quality, risk management, project management, sustainable development...) and editorial solutions (paper and online) related to French and international standards.

Publisher profile: AFNOR Éditions

Ankama Editions

Roubaix, France

Part of the Ankama Group (, Ankama Editions quickly established itself as a major actor of the Ninth Art in France and in Europe, by publishing DOFUS (a manga based on the famous MMORPG) and creating WAKFU, an imprint derived from the young teenagers' favourite animation series. Ou...

Publisher profile: Ankama Editions

Nouveau Monde Editions

Paris, France

History / biographies, cinema and media historical novels.

Publisher profile: Nouveau Monde Editions

Edition Blaise

Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France

Publication, édition de nouveaux auteurs, principalement en langue française.

Publisher profile: Edition Blaise

Euryuniverse éditions

Serrouville, France

Publisher and publishing services in France

Publisher profile: Euryuniverse éditions

Andre Editions

Toulouse, France

Éditeur généraliste de livres imprimés et numériques.

Publisher profile: Andre Editions

7 publishers in the the directory of digital content publishing companies of France
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