Language Publishers' Directory of Sweden

Listing all 2 Language publishers listed in the Swedish publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Sweden that are listed under 'Language Publishers. Remove 'Sweden' filter to see all language publishers' directory. Remove 'Language' filter to see the list of all Swedish publishers

Publit Sweden AB

Stockholm, Sweden

För en publiceringsavgift på 495:- +moms kan du publicera en bok som säljs direkt i bokhandeln, nätbokhandeln och på din hemsida/blogg.

Publisher profile: Publit Sweden AB


Göteborg, Sweden

Publishes quick study guides for language learners.

Publisher profile: GidRapid

2 publishers in the the directory of language publishing companies of Sweden
Remove 'Sweden' filter to see all language publishers' directory
Remove 'Language' filter to see the list of all Swedish publishers

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