Publishers in Pontevedra, Spain

Listing all 3 Spanish publishing companies in the city of Pontevedra, Spains

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of Spanish Publishers with office in the city of Pontevedra. Remove 'Pontevedra' filter to see the list of all Spanish publishers

Kalandraka Editora

Pontevedra, Spain

Kalandraka produces picture books for children with the highest literary and artistic quality to make them learn how to enjoy reading since their first years of life. We want them to find the endless possibilities hidden on every page of a book.

Publisher profile: Kalandraka Editora

OQO Editora S.L.

Pontevedra, Spain

OQO publish in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Galician and Catalunian language. Picture books with the best quality, has been awarded with the most important children's books prizes.

Publisher profile: OQO Editora S.L.

3 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Pontevedra, Spain
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