Education Publishers' Directory of Slovakia

Listing 1 Education publishers listed in the Slovak publishers directory

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Slovakia that are listed under 'Education Publishers. Remove 'Slovakia' filter to see all education publishers' directory. Remove 'Education' filter to see the list of all Slovak publishers

Slovenské Pedagogické Nakladatel'stvo-Mladé Letá

Bratislava, Slovakia

The publishing house Slovenské Pedagogické Nakladatel'stvo-Mladé Letá, s.r.o., founded by joining of two publishing houses, produces high-quality books in education, crafts and hobbies, health and fitness, history, young adult/teenager fiction.

Publisher profile: Slovenské Pedagogické Nakladatel'stvo-Mladé Letá

1 publishers in the the directory of education publishing companies of Slovakia
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