Publishing company profile: ABC-CLIO

For 60 years now, ABC-CLIO, LLC, has been recognized as an industry leader in the creation of innovative reference and professional development resources. Our four complementary imprints publish a comprehensive range of print and online materials that benefit learners, researchers, educators, librarians, and information specialists worldwide.

Our company's distinctive name reflects its rich history in reference and educational publishing. The American Bibliographic Center (ABC) was founded in 1955 to create serial bibliographies. Soon after, CLIO Press was formed to publish historical periodicals--and ABC-CLIO was born. Clio, one of the nine Greek muses and patron goddess of history, serves as fitting inspiration for our activities, both then and now.

ABC-CLIO publishes Digital Contents and Books on these subjects: Reference


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Sales: For premium subscribers only

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No address on record

Phone number(s):
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