Publishers in Parede, Portugal

Listing 1 Portuguese publishing companies in the city of Parede, Portugal

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of Portuguese Publishers with office in the city of Parede. Remove 'Parede' filter to see the list of all Portuguese publishers

Principia Editora, Lda.

Parede, Portugal

Principia Editora is an independent Portuguese publishing house whose activity is focused on different editorial areas through several imprints: Principia (academic, scientific and technical books and journals), Lucerna (religion, catholic oriented), Sete Mares (nautical and sports; travel), Casa...

Publisher profile: Principia Editora, Lda.

1 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Parede, Portugal
Remove 'Parede' filter to see the list of all Portuguese publishers

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