Publishers in Wroclaw, Poland

Listing all 3 Polish publishing companies in the city of Wroclaw, Polands

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of Polish Publishers with office in the city of Wroclaw. Remove 'Wroclaw' filter to see the list of all Polish publishers


Wroclaw, Poland

A large selection of children's books: activity, painting, children's story, board books.

Publisher profile: Siedmiorog

MedPharm Polska

Wroclaw, Poland

2005 wurde MedPharm Polska als polnische Tochter der Verlagsgruppe Deutscher Apotheker Verlag in Wroclaw (Breslau) gegründet. Der Fachverlag publiziert in polnischer Sprache Bücher, Zeitschriften und elektronische Medien für Pharmazeuten und Mediziner.

Publisher profile: MedPharm Polska

3 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Wroclaw, Poland
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