Computer Publishers' Directory of Italy

Listing all 5 Computer publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Italy that are listed under 'Computer Publishers. Remove 'Italy' filter to see all computer publishers' directory. Remove 'Computer' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

Zanichelli Editore S.p.A.

Bologna, Italy

Dictionaries, atlases, CD-ROM. Academic: Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, psychology, geography, law, economics, architecture, computer science, educational. Trade: Photography, mountain, nautica, gardening. Schoolbooks.

Publisher profile: Zanichelli Editore S.p.A.

Loescher Editore s.r.l.

Torino, Italy

Textbooks for primary and secondary schools in literature, language arts, history, philosophy, social science, geography, mathematics, physics, science, foreign language, computer sciences. Readings: Teacher reference. Dictionaries.

Publisher profile: Loescher Editore s.r.l.

Bollati Boringhieri Editore srl

Torino, Italy

Social and human sciences, history, economics, anthropology Scientific books in philosophy, mathematics, biology, physics, computer science. Complete works of S. Freud and C.G. Jung. Literary fiction.

Publisher profile: Bollati Boringhieri Editore srl

Tecniche Nuove S.p.A.

Milano, Italy

Technical books and magazines: engineering, computer science, internet, e-commerce, electronics, alternative medicine, natural, cooking, art, crafts and tourism.

Publisher profile: Tecniche Nuove S.p.A.


Padova, Italy

Religious electronic books and reference titles: CD-ROM and Computer Bibles. Official documents of the Holy See, Patriotic commentary of the Bible, multimedia production.

Publisher profile: Unitelm

5 publishers in the the directory of computer publishing companies of Italy
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