Christian Publishers' Directory of Italy

Listing all 5 Christian publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

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Ancora Srl

Milano, Italy

Christian spirituality books. Studies and meditations on the Bible. Life witnesses, pastrol activities and educational books. Handbooks for families. Bookart (also pocket) and artist's books.

Publisher profile: Ancora Srl

Dehoniana Libri, S.p.A.

Bologna, Italy

Books and journals for religious and biblical studies. Practice of spirituality at different levels, education, psychology, history and evolution of church, current theological and moral problems, oecumenical studies. Christian presence in modern world.

Publisher profile: Dehoniana Libri, S.p.A.

C.E.D. Centro Editoriale Dehoniano, S.p.A.

Bologna, Italy

Books and journals for religious and biblical studies. Practice of spirituality at different levels, education, psychology, history and evolution of church, current theological and moral issues, oecumenical studies, Christian presence in modern world.

Publisher profile: C.E.D. Centro Editoriale Dehoniano, S.p.A.

Editoriale Jaca Book

Milano, Italy

Human and social sciences, philosophy, history, prehistory, paleonthology, archaeology, anthropology, religions, Christian culture, ecology, politics, economics, current affairs, middle ages, mediterranean studies. Illustrated books on art, architecture, civilizations. Children-young adults, gene...

Publisher profile: Editoriale Jaca Book

Claudiana Editrice

Torino, Italy

Waldensian Publishing House. Books for scholars, students and general readers on differnet aspects of the Christian faith. Bible, theology, spirituality, church history and Waldensian history.

Publisher profile: Claudiana Editrice

5 publishers in the the directory of christian publishing companies of Italy
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