History Publishers' Directory of Germany

Listing 11 to 20 of 22 History publishers listed in the German publishers directories

Page 2 of 3 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Germany that are listed under 'History Publishers. Remove 'Germany' filter to see all history publishers' directory. Remove 'History' filter to see the list of all German publishers

Verlag Jörg Dendl

Emmendingen, Germany

Books on all subjects, especially history, education, childrens books, journals and history-magazines.

Publisher profile: Verlag Jörg Dendl

Alouette Verlag -- Book- and Film Productions

Oststeinbek, Germany

Alouette Verlag, founded in 1983, is an independently owned smaller book- and multi-media publisher, specialized on mainly northern regions (Canada, USA, Siberia, the Arctic), with nature- and culture-oriented books of popular-scientific contents, written by renowned German, North American and Ru...

Publisher profile: Alouette Verlag -- Book- and Film Productions

Klaus-Dieter Eichler Pagma-Verlag

Nürnberg, Germany


Publisher profile: Klaus-Dieter Eichler Pagma-Verlag

R. Koeppe Publisher

Cologne, Germany

African Languages, Ethnography / Cultural Anthropology / African History. Grammars, Dictionaries and Collected Papers on major African Languages and the endangered Languages of Africa. African Oral Literatures (history, tales and proverbs) and their Analyses.

Publisher profile: R. Koeppe Publisher

Giovanni Grippo Verlag

Oberursel, Germany

Our topics are: Kabbalah, Alchemy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucian and surrounding topics!

Publisher profile: Giovanni Grippo Verlag

DOBU Verlag

Hamburg, Germany

DOBU publications ("Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Dokumentation & Buch") publishes scientific books, such as monografies, doctorate theses, habilitations and conference papers in different languages.

Publisher profile: DOBU Verlag

Publicis Kommunikations Agentur GmbH, GWA

Erlangen, Germany

Automatisierungstechnik, Allgemeine Elektrotechnik, Energietechnik, Elektrische Installationstechnik, Verkehrstechnik, Medizintechnik, Business, Geschichte und Kultur

Publisher profile: Publicis Kommunikations Agentur GmbH, GWA

Northamerica-Publishing Franz Ulrich Althaus e K

Wuppertal, Germany

Verlag für Amerikanistik, Kanadistik und Indianistik

Publisher profile: Northamerica-Publishing Franz Ulrich Althaus e K

Ozeanverlag Herold

Hamburg, Germany

er Ozeanverlag Herold besteht seit 2001 und möchte vor allem Akzente in den Bereichen Wirtschafts-, Kolonial- und Militärgeschichte setzen mit Fokus auf Europa und Asien. Wissenschaftliche Werke werden ebenso publiziert wie Darstellungen persönlich erlebter Geschichte.

Publisher profile: Ozeanverlag Herold

Abera Verlag

Hamburg, Germany

Literatur- und Fachverlag für globale Themen insbesondere Asien, Afrika und Lateinamerika.

Publisher profile: Abera Verlag

22 publishers in the the directory of history publishing companies of Germany
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