Literature Publishers' Directory of Croatia

Listing all 2 Literature publishers listed in the Croatian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Croatia that are listed under 'Literature Publishers. Remove 'Croatia' filter to see all literature publishers' directory. Remove 'Literature' filter to see the list of all Croatian publishers

Medicinska Naklada d.o.o. Medical Publishing Co.

Zagreb, Croatia

Medicinska Naklada (Medical Publishing Co.), founded in 1964, is leading publisher of medicine literature in Croatia, specialized in publishing medical literature (pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine and health related professions).

Publisher profile: Medicinska Naklada d.o.o. Medical Publishing Co.

Krscanska sadasnjost

Zagreb, Croatia

Bible, liturgy, theology, documents, catechism, art history, church history, lives of saints, fiction, literature for children.

Publisher profile: Krscanska sadasnjost

2 publishers in the the directory of literature publishing companies of Croatia
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