Crafts Publishers' Directory of Australia

Listing all 4 Crafts publishers listed in the Australian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Australia that are listed under 'Crafts Publishers. Remove 'Australia' filter to see all crafts publishers' directory. Remove 'Crafts' filter to see the list of all Australian publishers

Inspirations Books

Malvern, Australia

Inspirations Books, published by Country Bumpkin Publications is dedicated to producing both practical and beautiful needlecraft books for beginners and advanced needlecrafters.

Publisher profile: Inspirations Books

R.I.C. Publications

Perth, Australia

R.I.C. Publications’ core focus is creating high-quality educational resources for teachers.

Publisher profile: R.I.C. Publications

Vetty Creations


Publishes step-by-step instructional embroidery books, focusing primarily on historical techniques and stitch dictionaries.

Publisher profile: Vetty Creations

Strictly Literary

Mount Gravatt East, Australia

Every author has a potential readership and a market for their story. The combination of Strictly Literary’s long professional editing and bookselling expertise and experience, and our networking and marketing abilities on the World Wide Web, can help us to identify and exploit that market for yo...

Publisher profile: Strictly Literary

4 publishers in the the directory of crafts publishing companies of Australia
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